Sunday, 13 February 2011

Malawi Government's arrogance sickening

We must now accept the fact that we have an arrogant government that lacks wisdom in the management of its affairs. The consequences are that we are attracting adverse international attention.

A president that pardons convicted homosexuals signs a bill into law that criminalises lesbian relationship. What a contradiction! Where is the wisdom? Sometimes silence is golden.

We have had a fuel crisis for now months and the government remains unresponsive and arrogant, giving no clear answers. Well, tomorrow we are taking to the streets to demonstrate (with you in the spirit). Demonstrations not good for our economy but definitely they do open deaf ears!. Yes, in the long run they pay off!

Further the president approves a law to allow information minister to ban any newspaper or publications which are not “in the public interest”. Don’t we have enough laws already to take care of that side of the law? Why waste time, money, and effort to court unnecessary international attention including that of our donors? Thus beyond me! Arrogance and lack of wisdom!

The other day I was listening to the president taking part in a round table discussion in the US. Among the participants was the World Bank president. In defending his successful seed and fertiliser subsidy programme, the arrogance and lack of etiquette against the World Bank from our president was sickening. I am not suggesting that the bank should not be criticised. In many ways it is to blame for some of our disgraceful levels of poverty in our country. But the president’s lack of good manners smells.

I know I am being arrogant and I have not suggested solutions to the problem here but oh well, the current leadership is going all farts to be honest (sorry for the language but I failed to resist to boast about my current affairs knowledge here)!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

by Bertha Lilian Munthali

one lesson my father left me with is
"never let anyone have your dinner plate as their toilet", and this is exactly what the Government is doing, soiling our dinner plate, our democracy, our hard won freedom, our future and our lives.
Zimbabweans watched on as Mugabe fucked their social, economic and political future, they watched and became slaves in their won land which they has a right to protect. Zimbabwe started just like us, scarcity of basics, then things got worse, their money became as useless as toilet paper.
when we see that we are heading same cliff of downfall and doom, we don't sit back and watch, we cry out and ask for redress, is that too much to ask from the mighty ngwazi, the man we have trusted so far as the man in control, the economic engineer, we held him in high esteem, but sorry for now we smell disaster and all we are saying is please make things right before we get to the zimbazwe horror.

silencing the people to us means your government has heard our concerns and is ready to to whatever it can in her capacity to redress the situation. we re a peace loving nation, BUT we are not stupid.
we have children and our lives ahead of us, we don't need to seek refuge in other lands when ours gets fucked up, we will not do that, and hear that, we will never run. That is why, if this boma has ears, it must hear.
WE have torelated nepotism to our necks, the police, army, reserve bank, immigration etc and all strategic offices are fully under control, no one in these places can think otherwise but to support your office bwana, you know what I mean.

we are not STUPID, but we are children raised with values of four cornerstones, we memorised that, we sang songs of ngodya zinayi, somehow it makes us disciplined to even wait patiently for your actions to show us that things gonna change.

Just make our Malawi a winning nation, not a loser it is becoming.
and stop following anyone with opposing views, it won't help, kamuzu and Bakili did that out of ignorance and selfishness, not your Boma. show us you are diffrent.

The British Government spent millions reforming our police, we hoped for a reformed and educated police that will defferenciate between kuwukila boma and genuine concerns of the people. please learn the difference Mr Inspector General, sikuwukila koma kulira.